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An Introduction to the Team at Toddlers Inn and Their New Year Resolutions & More!

Toddlers Inn

Updated: Jan 19

We had a little fun and asked our amazing staff to share some things about themselves, and we bet you’ll learn some surprising things! We can’t wait for you to dive in and get to know our awesome team a bit better. Enjoy!


1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Seeing their personalities develop and them reaching their milestones.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

Any water animal, maybe just an aquarium in my back garden.

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

Going somewhere with my siblings, seeing my boyfriend, or spending money I don’t have.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Seeing how much they are capable of doing independently!

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Had enough Dutch courage to participate in my family’s own version of an ‘I’m a celeb’ eating trial…

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I would be with all of my family, in the Maldives, relaxing and soaking in the sun rays.

7. Have you made any New Years Resolutions and what are they?

Develop my side business of being a beautician.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

Home Alone.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Going to the gym.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Gordon Ramsey (only if he’s cooking, praying for no burnt potatoes.)

Zoe La

1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Beach school - it’s been the best addition to my role this year and has quickly become my favourite thing I’ve ever done!

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

Giraffe - because how cool would it be just to be popping out to walk Ernie your giraffe!

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

On as many adventures as possible with all the people in my life who make me smile- going for dog walks, spending time at the beach, swimming, going to the theatre, singing with my choir, and taking lots of photographs.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Seeing the children happy, watching little friendships grow and being a small part of each of the children’s story.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

My boyfriend spent it at my house for the first year, with my parents and doggies. Big roast, games, a few pressies and rubbish tv.

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I like my Christmases the way they are - simple and special with family and friends who have become family. Oh, but maybe snow one year would be awesome.

7. Have you made any New Years Resolutions and what are they?

To prioritise myself a bit more next year - lots of self-care.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

Love actually- a firm family favourite in our house.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

My favourite way is at my musical theatre choir which I attend once a week - best day of the week! Other days a long hot bath.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Mary berry - can you imagine the dessert!?

Beth D

1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Seeing the children grow in confidence and interacting with each other to solve problems. I love hearing the different things they say to each other and watching them be kind to one another.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A binturong (look them up they’re amazing and they smell like buttered popcorn.)

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

Climbing, hiking, camping, playing board games and sometimes a combination of all of them.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Seeing them learn about the world, themselves and each other.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

I spent it with my family which involved travelling all around the country to all the different family members. And our annual Christmas Day run. I ate a very yummy Christmas dinner!

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

I would spend it with my husband, dog and my best friends somewhere with snow and spend the day making snow people, sledging and having snowball fights.

7. Have you made any New Years Resolutions and what are they?

To get stronger and climb harder climbs and to do my first (maybe more) running race.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

Home Alone.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Cuddling up with my dog and watching something funny like taskmaster.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Shauna Coxsey (Britain's first climbing Olympian).


1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?


2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A Goat or Turtle.

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

A bottle of wine with friends.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Their excitement when I walk in the room.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Ate lots of food.

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

With my mum in a Christmas market.

7. Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

Eat a healthy balance of meals and drink plenty of water.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

A Muppet Christmas Carol.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Singing songs in the car.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Harry Styles & Miranda Hart.


1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Watching children’s journeys and building bonds.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A Giraffe.

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

With my family.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Helping children meet their goals.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Singing 101 Christmas songs.

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

In the snow, in a log cabin surrounded by family and friends.

7. Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

To keep being my amazing happy self!

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

The Santa Claus.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Have a bubble bath.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?


Beth J

1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Seeing children’s first milestones, there first words and early steps are so joyful to see.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A fluffy red panda.

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

With my family exploring and being crafty.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Being such a big part of their early childhood and seeing them excited to come to nursery.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Hosted for my family and cooked my first ever roast dinner (successfully!)

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

All my family in Spain eating paella by the poolside!

7. Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

Read more, worry less & stop the snacking!

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

Santa Claus & the Holiday.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

A good book or board game.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Wolverine a.k.a Hugh Jackman.


1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

That my colleagues have become my second family.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A cat - come and go as I please and pampered!

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

With my children and husband - having days out.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Knowing that I am making an impact.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Spent time with family.

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

With my children and husband, somewhere hot on a beach.

7. Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

To explore somewhere new each month.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?


9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Watching a series on Netflix after dinner.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Lee Evans - to have a comedian at dinner to make you laugh.

Zoe Li

1. What brings you the most joy in your role at Toddlers Inn?

Seeing the children laugh and smile.

2. If you could choose any animal as a pet, what would it be?

Pygmy goat.

3. How do you like to spend your weekends?

With family.

4. What inspires you the most about working with young children?

Watching them change every day.

5. What did you do this Christmas?

Spent time with family and friends eating.

6. In 2025, If you could have your absolute dream Christmas, who would you spend it with and what would you do?

Lapland with family.

7. Have you made any New Year resolutions and what are they?

Read more and drink more water.

8. What is your all-time favourite Christmas movie or TV show to watch?

The holiday.

9. How do you unwind after a busy day?

Cuddles with my children on the sofa.

10. If you could Invite any famous person for Christmas dinner, who would it be?

Santa Claus to see my children's faces light up!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know our wonderful team here at Toddlers Inn and discovered some new and interesting things about us! Thanks for taking the time to learn more about the amazing people who help create a nurturing environment for your little ones!

About Us:

We know that choosing a nursery is a big decision and here at Toddlers Inn, after years of experience, we think we understand what is important to both parents and children. We realise the demands and pressures parents have in their lives and we therefore offer many different, flexible sessions to suit every parent's needs. Whether you are applying for a funded or self-funding place, or have vouchers from work, we will always endeavour to find what works best for you.

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