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What You Can Do At Home to Help Nursery Children Prepare for Pre-School & Nursery

Leanne Ammon

The transition from nursery to pre-school can be a daunting time for parents. However, there are plenty of things that you can start doing at home to help prepare your child for the change.

Being at Nursery is much like being home from home. Your child will be used to being surrounded by kind and helpful adults, singing lots of songs and having plenty of story time. So, the transition to Pre-School should feel fairly smooth with days spent singing, listening to stories and playing with friends.

Spending some time now to build on the things they are already doing will help make the transition even smoother. Introduce your child to numbers to ten by singing popular number songs such as Five Little Ducks and Ten in the Bed. Singing the alphabet song will help in the knowledge of sounds and letters.

Spending time reading with your child is a worthwhile investment. Reading together not only strengthens the bond between you, it builds on your child’s recognition of letters and simple words. It also encourages a love of reading in your child.

Use your time together to visit natural spaces such as the beach, the woods and the park. Time in nature helps children begin to understand the world around them. Natural spaces also lend themselves to discussions about the animals and plants they can see, as well as the colours and the shapes around them.

This gives a sense of real world knowledge which they can transfer into the classroom and their learning.

One of the most important things for a child to learn when they transition to Pre-School is how to ask for help when they need it. Make sure they know who to go to and what to say if they need someone to help them.

And lastly, make sure you prepare yourself too! Having a child moving up through the nursery and school settings can feel overwhelming at times, so remember to do something kind for yourself while you have the time!   

About Us:

We know that choosing a nursery is a big decision and here at Toddlers Inn, after years of experience, we think we understand what is important to both parents and children. We realise the demands and pressures parents have in their lives and we therefore offer many different, flexible sessions to suit every parent's needs. Whether you are applying for a funded or self-funding place, or have vouchers from work, we will always endeavour to find what works best for you.

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